The Small Trebnyk (or Abbreviated Euchologion) [Shary, 1983]

trebnyk-shaary 2In an ongoing effort to provide liturgical texts in English for our visitors, we provide today the 1983 English translation of The Small Trebnyk (or Abbreviated Euchologion) produced by the now defunct St. Joseph’s Institute of Detroit, Michigan. The Preface is included here:


A Trebnyk or Euchologion is a book of Prayer-Rites used by the priest for the administration of the church sacraments and various blessings and sacramentals. Some call it a Book of Needs, because it provides for the important spiritual needs of the faithful. Moreover, it is a service book used by the priest who is the minister of all these needs according to the Byzantine Ruthenian Rite.

Ukrainian Catholics used a variety of texts of the Trebnyk until in 1947 a Small Trebnyk was officially published in Rome for the use of these members of the Ruthenian Rite. This is the book that contains the approved ritual for selected sacraments and blessings. It was reproduced in 1952 by the Grottaferrata Press in Rome.

The translation of this Small Trebnyk was prepared by the Rev. Dr. John P. Weisengoff and the Very Rev. Canon Joseph Shary. Both were members of the St. Joseph’s Institute. Fr. Weisengoff passed away in 1978 and was laid to rest in St. Nicholas Cemetery, Chicago. Fr. Shary is now pastor of St. John’s Ukrainian Catholic Church, Detroit, Michigan.

In making this translation the approved Roman edition of the Trebnyk was compared with the Greek text of the services. The English text of the new Ukrainian Rite translation of the Divine Liturgy was used to render the litanies and other prayers common to all services. This translation of the Small Trebnyk contains a few supplementary services and blessings, which were deemed important for pastoral use. Specifically, these services are: The Churching of a Woman after Childbearing; The Blessing for a 25th or 50th Wedding Anniversary; Prayers for the Departing Soul;  An Indulgenced Absolution; Three Prayers over the Dying; An Alternate Committal Service; Nine Gospel Readings during a Funeral. These services appear in the 1926 edition of the Zhovka Trebnyk.

This translation of the Small Trebnyk is published by the St . Joseph’s Institute , 3877 Clippert Ave , Detroit, Michigan 48210.

Feast of the Annunciation (March 25, 1983)

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Fr. Michael is the pastor of Holy Eucharist Parish in Winnipeg within the Archeparchy of Winnipeg. He served twelve years as Rector of Holy Spirit Seminary in Ottawa and Edmonton.