
Mark 11:11-23- I Don’t Give a Fig!

Mark 11:11-23- I Don’t Give a Fig!

Christ is Born! Bible quiz- What type of leaves did Adam and Eve sew together to make themselves clothes in the garden of Eden? That's right, fig leaves! We actually see fig trees in many places in Scripture. The fig tree came to be recognized as a symbol of national wealth and prosperity for God's people in the Old Testament. With this in mind, and only in the context of Our Lord's triumphant entry into Jerusalem and His cleansing of the temple, can we understand what is being conveyed when Christ does not find any fruit on the tree, and…
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Mark 9:33-41- Chicken or egg? Faith or Works?

Mark 9:33-41- Chicken or egg? Faith or Works?

Christ is Born! During our largest season of communal repentance- Great and Holy Lent- one of the ascetical practices we practice are prostrations. Over and over and over again we bow completely to the floor touching our heads on the ground. After the canon of St. Andrew, and over 300 prostrations later, it is fairly common to wake up sore the next morning. We bow down to the ground to show God reverence, but also to communicate with our own souls- to help us to repent! Many times we feel as though our actions are a one-way street which originate…
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