Statement of Bishop Stephen on the Canada Summer Job Grant

May 1, 2018

Христос Воскрес! [Christ is risen]

Дорогі в Христі, Вітаю вас всіх Воскресінням нашого Спаса Ісуса Христа! [Beloved in Christ, Greetings in the Resurrection of our Saviour Jesus Christ!]

As you may be aware, in 2018 the Government of Canada has imposed a new requirement to support so-called reproductive rights in order to apply for a Canada Summer Jobs grant. Many of Ukrainian and Catholic organizations have greatly benefited from these grants in previous years. Like my brother bishops, I am deeply saddened by the discrimination our Church is facing in light of the new ideological requirements as an eligibility requirement which has been inserted into this program. I applaud those organizations, such as the Ukrainian Catholic Women’s League of Canada, which have already officially stood up to this requirement in defense of the right to teach and defend freedom of conscience without fear of discrimination from the government.

The revised application Canada Summer Jobs application requires any applicants to accept that their organization’s mandate “respect individual human rights” which includes “reproductive rights” – that is, including the so-called right to abortion. This is not acceptable. The hierarchy of the Ukrainian Catholic Church of Canada, through our membership in the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, is one of ninety religious groups, both Christian and non-Christian, which have signed an objection to these requirements. The signatures include many Orthodox Churches, including Metropolitan Yuri of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada. A copy of this interfaith letter of objection is attached.

Considering the serious implications of the government beginning to act discriminatorily towards those who believe in the most basic principles of religious freedom as well as the fundamental right to life, I am urging our faithful to consider the serious issues that are at play with such an attestation. There is a legitimate question about the ability of Catholic chaplains to continue to participate in organizations which, by taking such government funding, will have explicitly stated their organization has a mandate which supports rights including the so-called right to abortion.

Throughout the history of Ukraine, including the ongoing war in Ukraine, the Ukrainian Catholic Church plays a critical role in the fight for freedom and sovereignty. In fighting for its beliefs and freedom of worship, our clergy and faithful were forced underground, imprisoned, exiled, and executed for their ministry to the Ukrainian people. Our faithful must be aware of the importance of the basic human right to dissent and have freedom of thought according to one’s conscience and religious belief. It is the responsibility of all to stand up against any systemic discrimination by the government in a democratic society; this is a principle which Ukrainians certainly understand intimately. We hope that we can count on the solidarity of the Ukrainian community to stand for the rights of all Canadians to be free from government coercion in their beliefs by not agreeing to the new attestation, and making our objection known to the government.

Any organization that has submitted an application for a grant is urged to withdraw its application and return any funding received, explaining that the organization does not support the right to abortion.

Invoking the protection of the Most Holy Theotokos,

+Stephen V. Chmilar
Eparchial Bishop

Attachment: January 2018 Interfaith Statement on Canada Summer Jobs

CSJ Statement – Eparchy of Toronto (PDF)

The above article is written by a respected author. Their name can be found either at the top or the bottom of the above article.