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2022 Nativity Greetings from UGCC Bishops of Canada

2022 Nativity Greetings from UGCC Bishops of Canada

To the Very Reverend Clergy, Monastics and Religious Sisters and Brothers, Seminarians and Laity of the Ukrainian Catholic Church in Canada December 6, 2022Feast of Saint Nicholas Christ is Born! Let us Glorify Him! Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, The Legend of the Elderly GrandmotherA Ukrainian Folk Tale As we celebrate Christmas, the Feast of the Nativity of Our Lord, let us revisit the legend of the Elderly Grandmother. It was the night the dear Christ-Child came to Bethlehem. In a country far away from Him, an old, old grandmother or “baba” sat in her snug little house by…
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by Brent Kostyniuk It is said the most popular theme for songs is love. That is probably true. All You Need is Love, Crazy Little Thing Called Love, Bye Bye Love, and of course, Muskrat Love (go ahead, Google it!). The same goes for movies. What would Christmas be without watching Love Actually? Love is central to our lives. I love my wife, I love my children, and I especially love nachos and salsa. I also love my daughter’s cat, but only sometimes. So, it seems love is a universal theme. Yet, what does the theme of a pop song…
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New Auxiliary Bishop for Winnipeg

New Auxiliary Bishop for Winnipeg

Pope Francis has approved the decision of the Synod of Bishops of the Ukrainian Catholic Church to appoint Bishop Andriy Rabiy as Auxiliary Bishop for the Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Winnipeg. Bishop Andriy Rabiy was born October 1, 1975 in Lviv, Ukraine and after initiating seminary studies in Ivano-Frankivsk transferred to the United States where he completed his seminary formation and was ordained to the priesthood on December 19, 2001 in Philadelphia by Metropolitan Stefan Soroka. In addition to various pastoral assignments in the United States, he completed a doctorate in Canon Law at the Catholic University of America in…
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The War in Ukraine: A Call to Prayer, Fasting, and Action

The War in Ukraine: A Call to Prayer, Fasting, and Action

October 17, 2022 Pastoral Letter to the Clergy, Religious and Faithful of the Ukrainian Catholic Church in Canada and to all Good People Dear Faithful, The war in Ukraine rages on with no end in site, claiming the lives of thousands of innocent children, men and women, with millions more on the move as refuges in search of safety, food, shelter, clothing and medicine, in addition to the destruction of countless homes, schools, hospitals and business. As winter approaches, hundreds of thousands of people will have no heat in their homes, with energy being used as a weapon of punishment.…
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Possible Miracle in Manitoba

Possible Miracle in Manitoba

Archeparchy of Winnipeg Metropolitan Lawrence Huculak, as the local hierarch in Winnipeg, has officially accepted the request by the Postulator for the cause of the canonisation of Blessed Josaphata Hordashevska to investigate whether a miracle occurred within the Archeparchy through the intercession of the saintly nun. Blessed Josaphata, the cofounder of the Ukrainian Catholic Congregation of women of consecrated life, the Sisters Servants of Mary Immaculate, was beatified by Pope St. John Paul II in Ukraine in 2001. This declaration allows veneration of the good Sister and celebrate her extraordinary life in and for Christ. It also puts her only…
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Overcome Evil with Good! (Romans 12:21)

Overcome Evil with Good! (Romans 12:21)

Pastoral Letter of the 2022 Synod of Bishopsof the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Churchto the Clergy, Monastics and Laity of the UGCCand to All People of Good Will Greater love has no one than this,that someone lay down his life for his friends (Jn. 15:13). Beloved in Christ! For the fifth month, a large-scale, brutal war has been taking place on Ukrainian soil. It came uninvited and perfidious already in 2014, and from February 24, the enemy took off all his previous masks and openly destroys Ukraine. The russian army kills the innocent and rapes the defenseless, kidnaps children and deports the…
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Becoming Byzantine

Becoming Byzantine

The series, Becoming Byzantine, is intended to be an online introduction to Byzantine Catholic Faith, Worship, and Life, based on the teachings of the catechism, Christ Our Pascha. Each month, the series sponsors a 90-minute webinar which will serve as a conversation introducing the topics and themes from the Catechism (which can be read afterwards), as well as from the recorded videos that will be available on our YouTube Channel. This can be used for individual, group, or parish study. You can view the entire series here.
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MASI Study Days: July 15-17, 2022

MASI Study Days: July 15-17, 2022

Drinking from the Hidden Fountain: Thinking and Living with the Patristic Heritage At the heart of the Eastern Christian tradition is the first millennium of Christianity. This period, its figures, and its controversies determine the theology, worship, and spirituality that Eastern Christians are submerged in today. MASI’s 2022 Study Days dives deep into this wellspring and offers a community of prayer and fellowship guided by these sacred texts under the direction of world class speakers and scholars of Early Christianity. Keynote Speakers: Rev. Dr. John Behr, University of Aberdeen “Reason Persuading Necessity: Gregory of Nyssa on the Human Being” Fr.…
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Patriarch Sviatoslav’s Paschal Letter 2022

Patriarch Sviatoslav’s Paschal Letter 2022

Most Reverend Archbishops and Bishops, Very Reverend and Reverend Fathers, Venerable Brothers and Sisters in Monastic and Religious Life, Dearly Beloved Laity in Christ of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church Christ is Risen! You have descended into the depths of the earth, O Christ,And have broken the eternal bonds which held the captive,And like Jonah from the whale on the third day,You arose from the tomb!Ode 6, Paschal Canon Beloved in Christ! This year we approach the Pascha of Christ in the midst of particular challenges, suffering, cruelty, indignities, and ruin. For our people, in Ukraine and abroad, it would seem…
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Paschal Letter of the Bishops of Canada 2022

Paschal Letter of the Bishops of Canada 2022

On the Occasion of the Feast of the Resurrection of our Lord To the Very Reverend Clergy, Monastics and Religious Sisters and Brothers, Seminarians and Laity of the Ukrainian Catholic Church in Canada: Christ is Risen! Indeed, He is Risen! Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Jesus said to them, “Do not be afraid” (Matthew 28:8). Easter and the Resurrection: A Journey from Fear to Joy and Hope Today, we celebrate the glorious Feast of the Resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Today, we rejoice in Christ’s victory over sin and death. Today, all things are filled with joy. As…
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