MASI Study Days: July 15-17, 2022

Drinking from the Hidden Fountain: Thinking and Living with the Patristic Heritage

At the heart of the Eastern Christian tradition is the first millennium of Christianity. This period, its figures, and its controversies determine the theology, worship, and spirituality that Eastern Christians are submerged in today. MASI’s 2022 Study Days dives deep into this wellspring and offers a community of prayer and fellowship guided by these sacred texts under the direction of world class speakers and scholars of Early Christianity.

Keynote Speakers:

Rev. Dr. John Behr, University of Aberdeen

“Reason Persuading Necessity: Gregory of Nyssa on the Human Being”

Fr. John Behr is the Regius Professor of Humanity at the University of Aberdeen. He previously taught at St Vladimir’s Seminary, where he served as Dean from 2007-17, His early work focused on Christian Anthropology in Irenaeus of Lyons and Clement of Alexandria (OUP 2000). He is writing a series of books on “The Formation of Christian Theology”, two volumes of which have already appeared: vol. 1, The Way to Nicaea (SVS Press 2001) and vol. 2 The Nicene Faith (SVS Press 2003). He is the author of a full study of St Irenaeus: St Irenaeus of Lyons: Identifying Christianity (OUP, 2013). He has completed a new critical edition and translation of Origen’s On First Principles, together with an extensive introduction, for OUP (2017), and John the Theologian and His Paschal Gospel: A Prologue to Theology (OUP 2019). He is currently working on a new edition of the works of Irenaeus for OUP.

Professor Lewis Ayres, Durham University

“Justinian’s vision of Christ: necessary for orthodoxy today?”

Lewis Ayres is Professor of Catholic and Historical Theology at the University of Durham, UK. He previously taught at the Candler School of Theology, Emory University. He was also a Distinguished Fellow of the Notre Dame Institute for Advanced Study (2014-2015). Among his books are Nicaea and Its Legacy (Oxford 2004/6) and Augustine and the Trinity (Cambridge 2010/14).  He is currently working on a book entitled As It Is Written: Ancient Literary Criticism, Hellenization and the Rise of Scripture 150-250 for Princeton University Press.

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