Luke 16:1-9: Hurry Up and Spend that Cash…on the Poor!

Glory be to Jesus Christ!

At first glance this is a very confusing reading in that it looks as though Jesus is commending theft and dishonesty! It looks as though our Lord encourages us to rip off our employer. This is an easy mistake to fall into for a couple of reasons. Firstly, it is important to realize that unlike many of similar parables in the New Testament, the Lord is not symbolized by the master of the house. Jesus is not trying to teach us the lesson that God the Father would like you to rip others off for selfish reasons!

Instead, two lessons present themselves for us in this reading today:

  1. The urgency of responding to our situation in the world. The problems we face as Christians in the world are not in our imaginations. They cannot be dreamed, hoped, explained, or wished away. There is an urgency to preaching the Gospel which we sometimes forget. The steward knows he is going to be out of a job and acts quickly and decisively. What is commended by the master is his preparation and action, his quick response. How much more, brothers and sisters, should we be motivated to prepare for the return of the Real Master, our Lord and Saviour?
  2. We see the proper use of money for Christians. Although this parable is directed to the Apostles, the Pharisees have been listening in since the previous chapter. Our Lord will accuse these religious pretenders of being “lovers of money” in 16:14, just a few verses from this story. The whole thrust of the story points to money being used for others, that is almsgiving. The whole point of money is its use in preparing for the next world and the up-building of the Lord’s kingdom. Money is not an end unto itself, it will fail us as the Lord tells us in this reading, and then what will we have? Remember, it is possible to be filled with greed and avarice whether we have lots of money or barely any.

Take a few minutes and ask yourself how the Gospel touches your life today.

  • How much control do I have of my money and how much does it have on me?
  • Do I treat money as an means to a end or an end in itself?
  • If an end, what end?

Let us urgently be about our Father’s business, the Real Master who will return. Let us prepare to enter a kingdom which will last by letting go of greed and grasping almsgiving!

Glory be to Jesus Christ!


Fr. Mike Bombak is the pastor of Descent of the Holy Spirit (Lloydminster, AB) and St. Olga, Equal to the Apostles (Vermilion, AB). He is also a school teacher and currently working on his Master’s thesis regarding contraception and the teachings of St. John Paul II. He lives in Lloydminster with Dob. Kim and their five children. Father Mike tries to live a physically active lifestyle and enjoys playing the double bass. His YouTube channel can be found at Musings with Fr. Mike.