June 20, 2017 – Matthew 10:9-15

Matthew 10:9-15

Glory be to Jesus Christ!

I remember my first backpacking trip very distinctly. A group of friends of mine from work had decided to go on a backpacking adventure in Jasper for a weekend. We didn’t really have any previous experience and so were confused as to what exactly to pack and how heavy our packs should be. I found out later from a book that there is no real need to pack more than a 30 lbs pack. I found that out much earlier when I was trudging around on our hike with a pack that weighed closer to 50 lbs!

Although I saw some wonderful sights and had some good conversations on that trip, the thing I remember most about it was the shooting pain in my hips at every step. I had packed too much and it had taken away from what it was that I had set out to do.

Our Lord sends out His disciples today to preaching the Gospel and warns them to pack light. Their security will not be found in money, clothing, equipment or possessions, but in striving to fulfill the mission that Christ gave them. Being spiritually poor and simple will result in a richer and fuller witness.

Where does your comfort and security lie? Rely on the Lord and strive to do His will and you will be a more effective pilgrim- and you’ll enjoy the journey more as well!


Fr. Michael is the pastor of Holy Eucharist Parish in Winnipeg within the Archeparchy of Winnipeg. He served twelve years as Rector of Holy Spirit Seminary in Ottawa and Edmonton.