
Let Him Who Thirsts Come

Water is central to Life everywhere, but especially in places like the Middle East where it is in short supply. We do not know when people began supplementing the rainwater they collected by digging water from shallow pools. When metal tools came into use, wells 100 feet deep and more could be dug. Access to underground water became an important key to survival for peoples in otherwise arid lands. Villages were built around wells, which became important focal points of the local community. The well was the natural gathering place in ancient villages. It was also the place to meet…
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Why Are There Two Paschas?

Why Are There Two Paschas?

A sore point in the relationship between the Churches concerns the date on which we celebrate the resurrection of Christ. Often one group of Christians is observing Pascha while their neighbors may have up to a month to go before they do the same. While some people may enjoy having two festive meals as a result (they rarely observe both fasts), Christians have always seen this as a regrettable, if unavoidable anomaly. The Quartodecimans The oldest celebration of Christ’s resurrection is not Pascha (Easter) but every Sunday, the Lord’s Day. When an annual festival came into being is not known…
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Message of the UGCC Bishops of Canada on Pascha 2015

Message of the UGCC Bishops of Canada on Pascha 2015

To the Reverend Clergy, Monastics and Religious Sisters and Brothers, Seminarians and Laity of the Ukrainian Catholic Church in Canada: Christ is Risen! Indeed He is Risen! Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ! “Behold, today is the day of the Resurrection, let us glory in the Feast; let us embrace one another in joy” (from Resurrection Matins). The glorious proclamation of Our Lord’s Resurrection marks the most joyous and transformative event in human history. During the Resurrection Matins, we are overwhelmed by the power of God’s graciousness, a power that moves us to recognize more clearly the meaning of life…
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