
Mark 10:11-16- Bring the Children to Him

Mark 10:11-16- Bring the Children to Him

Christ is Born! Richard Dawkins, one the the world's most famous "New Atheists" has stated that Christian parents baptizing their children and raising them in the faith is child abuse. He believes that this ultimately removes their choice to choose later on in life what their true beliefs might be. Interestingly, I doubt he includes the indoctrination of children (young and old) into his chosen religion- that of Materialism- in his sweeping judgments. It has been the practice of Christians from the beginnings of the Church to bring children for baptism and to instruct them in the faith. Just as…
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Let Him Who Thirsts Come

Water is central to Life everywhere, but especially in places like the Middle East where it is in short supply. We do not know when people began supplementing the rainwater they collected by digging water from shallow pools. When metal tools came into use, wells 100 feet deep and more could be dug. Access to underground water became an important key to survival for peoples in otherwise arid lands. Villages were built around wells, which became important focal points of the local community. The well was the natural gathering place in ancient villages. It was also the place to meet…
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Order of Holy Baptism and Chrismation

Order of Holy Baptism and Chrismation

All you who have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. Alleluia!   [alert style="info"]Please Note: As of the day of this post there is no official English translation of this Rite for the Ukrainian Catholic Church. This translation is provided until such time.[/alert] The priest, vested in an epitrakhil (and phelon, if it is the custom) goes with the deacon into the narthex of the church. The deacon faces the child to the East, opens its blanket and removes its hat. Then the priest breathes on the child’s face three times, makes the sign of the Cross on…
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