Blog Post

Ukrainian and Catholic

Ukrainian and Catholic

by Brent Kostyniuk “You’re not really Catholic. You belong to that Ukrainian church.” How often have we, as Ukrainian Catholics, had to explain to others that, yes, we are Ukrainian and Catholic? A young mother arrived at a Catholic school in Edmonton to register her son, bringing along his baptismal certificate from a Ukrainian Catholic parish. Despite this, she was told he could not be enrolled, as he was not Catholic. Ironically, the school is named after a Ukrainian Catholic bishop! So why the confusion? Did St. John Paul II not say that it is the duty of all Catholics…
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The Domestic Church: A Place of Prayer and Blessing. Food for Thought in a Time of Pandemic

The Domestic Church: A Place of Prayer and Blessing. Food for Thought in a Time of Pandemic

by Very Rev. Andrij Onuferko As we are confronted with the reality of our churches being closed to the general public, we have been given a unique opportunity to build up and strengthen our Christian home as domestic church. In the Vibrant Parish program, we encouraged our parishes to fulfil their mission as “a place to encounter the living Christ.” Today we have an opportunity to extend that same understanding of encounter with Christ to the place where we live, be it with our immediate family or community, or by ourselves. In order for this to happen, we need to…
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2019 Christmas Greetings from the Patriarch

2019 Christmas Greetings from the Patriarch

Most Reverend Archbishops and Metropolitans,God-loving Bishops, Very Reverend Clergy, Venerable Monastics,Dearly Beloved Brothers and Sisters,in Ukraine and throughout the world Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy!Lk 2:10 Christ is born!  Glorify Him! Beloved in Christ! Today the angels in heaven sing and celebrate, all creation is filled with joy, for the Saviour and Lord is born this day in Bethlehem of Judea. This joy, which we especially experience with today’s illustrious feast, is an integral part of being for every believing Christian, a visible sign and fruit of God’s unceasing presence. The joy of…
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Our Byzantine Heritage

Our Byzantine Heritage

by Brent Kostyniuk As Ukrainian Catholics, we, along with others, are the inheritors of a rich Byzantine Christian tradition. It provides a spirituality abundant in prayers, icons, hymns, and liturgies intended to draw us ever closer to God. It has been our birth-right for over 1000 years since St. Volodymyr arranged the baptism of the Ukrainian people. Even then it was centuries old. However, “Why Byzantine?” you may well ask. The answer lies deep in Christianity, in the first centuries of the Church’s existence. As the early Church grew it formed around five centres - Jerusalem, Antioch, Alexandria, Byzantium, and…
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The 2019 New Testament Challenge

The 2019 New Testament Challenge

Beginning Nov. 15th (the beginning of the Advent/Nativity Fast), we will once again be embarking on our annual challenge event to read through the entire New Testament (aloud) by Christmas! This is a great endeavor and exercise and you should join it! Read with your spouse as an Advent discipline! Even children can do this, and they have. You can do it, too. Join the many of us who do this every year and prosper your soul in the effort. You won’t be the same. Remember, we begin Nov. 15th! The New Testament Challenge is kind of a tradition. We…
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The Prayer for Divine Wisdom

The Prayer for Divine Wisdom

The following prayer was written by Metropolitan Andrey Sheptysky. O Great and Almighty God, send down upon me from Your high and holy heavens and from the throne of Your holy glory, Your holy wisdom, that sits at Your side. Grant me the wisdom of Your good pleasure so that in my life I may know how to desire fervently, seek wisely, acknowledge in truth and fulfil perfectly that which is pleasing to You, to the glory and honour of You holy Name, “to the praise of the glory of Your grace.” Grant me, O God, the wisdom of my…
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The Byzantine Life

The Byzantine Life

The Byzantine Life is a blog written by Kyleshka, a mother in Saskatchewan, Canada, who wishes to share her insights of living in the modern world as a Byzantine Christian. The Family section of the blog is focussed pon home life with tips and tricks that her family has discovered to improve their daily lives and to cultivate a joyous home. There are all sorts of religious resources available and even a section on homeschooling. A great site worthy of your perusing! The Byzantine Life.
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by Brent Kostyniuk Some years ago there was a popular film titled My Big Fat Greek Wedding. It followed the daughter of a Greek immigrant family in her romance with a very non-ethnic boyfriend. Eventually, romance led to marriage. However, before that could take place, the boyfriend had to be baptized. The girl’s father proudly told the boyfriend, “It is your lucky day to be baptized into the Greek Orthodox Church.” Similarly, it might be said that many of us are fortunate to have been baptized into the Ukrainian Catholic Church. For most, the decision to be baptized was taken…
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Pope Francis Meets with Ukrainian Church Leaders over Two Days

Pope Francis Meets with Ukrainian Church Leaders over Two Days

An unprecedented event took place in Rome on July 5-6. Desiring to demonstrate support for the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church at a time of war, shifts in interconfessional relations, fluctuating hopes amid heightened tensions, humanitarian and social crises, Pope Francis invited the head, metropolitans, and members of the Permanent Synod of the UGCC to a personal meeting at the Vatican. The Pope himself, the cardinal secretary and leading officials of the Vatican Secretariat of State, and prefects of four curial departments, together with their assistants, dedicated two full days of fraternal conversation and reflection to the challenges and mission of our…
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