Blog Post

The Lord Manifested in the Jordan

The Lord Manifested in the Jordan

“THE HOLY DAY OF THE LIGHTS to which we have come, and which we are celebrating today, has for its origin the Baptism of my Christ, the True Light that lightens everyone who comes into the world, and effects my purification…” These words, which begin St Gregory the Theologian’s homily “on the Lights,” reflect what was already a well-known custom when he spoke them (AD 381). They also point to the reason why this is an especially appropriate term for this feast of the Theophany. It has been suggested that the feast was introduced in third century Alexandria, where January…
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Byzantine Christmas: Feast of Recreation

Byzantine Christmas: Feast of Recreation

St Gregory of Nazlanzus sums up the Eastern Christian view of Christmas in his famous statement that the Nativity of Christ "is not a festival of creation but a festival of recreation." The birth of Christ, although a historical event, is not an end but a means to the renewal, sanctification, and recreation of the whole universe. Actually we commemorate, not so much the birth of a child, but the ultimate rebirth and transfiguration of all mankind and with it the whole world of creation. The world, held in bondage by reason of man's perversion, this is the world Christ…
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The Importance Of Sunday

The North American Orthodox-Catholic Theological ConsultationSaint Paul’s College, Washington, DC Recovering the theological significance of Sunday is fundamental to rebalancing our lives. As Orthodox and Catholics, we share a theological view of Sunday and so our purpose in this statement is four-fold: to offer a caring response to what is not just a human, but also a theological question; to add a little more volume to the growing chorus of Christian voices trying to be heard in the din of our non-stop worklife; to offer brief reflections in hopes of drawing attention to the fuller expositions elsewhere; and to reinforce…
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Pastoral Letter of the UGCC Bishops of Canada for Nativity 2012

To the Reverend Clergy, Monastics and Religious Sisters, Seminarians and Lay-Faithful of the Ukrainian Catholic Church in Canada Christ is Born! Glorify Him! Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, When as a Christian family, we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, we greet one another with words of joy: “Christ is Born! Glorify Him!”. This is our expression of faith and of our commitment to give glory and honour to the One who came into this world to save us, to restore humankind’s relationship with its Creator. In the Sacred Scriptures we read of the wondrous…
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Letting Christ Live in Me

Letting Christ Live in Me

WHAT DID ST. PAUL MEAN when he wrote, “I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me” (Galatians 2:20)? How was he crucified with Christ? In the sacramental sense, he was “crucified” the same way we were: through baptism. In this mystery the death and resurrection of Christ are mystically represented. We are buried in Christ when we are immersed (buried) in the water. We are resurrected with Him when we are raised up out of the font. This is not simply an attempt to paint a picture of Christ’s burial…
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Canadian Priest Receives the Lesser Schema

Canadian Priest Receives the Lesser Schema

  Bishop Venedykt, Auxiliary Bishop of Lviv was present at St. Elias Church in Brampton for Vespers with Vigil on the Feast of the Exaltation of the Precious and Life-Giving Cross (Julian Calendar). At that service, Bishop Venedykt tonsured Hieromonk Taras Kraychuk  to the Lesser Schema (Stavrophore). He is now named - Hieromonk Teodosy. Photo by Markian Radomskiy, W4Y Video-Photo Productions, 416.520.4434 WWW.W4Y.CA
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Order of Holy Baptism and Chrismation

Order of Holy Baptism and Chrismation

All you who have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. Alleluia!   [alert style="info"]Please Note: As of the day of this post there is no official English translation of this Rite for the Ukrainian Catholic Church. This translation is provided until such time.[/alert] The priest, vested in an epitrakhil (and phelon, if it is the custom) goes with the deacon into the narthex of the church. The deacon faces the child to the East, opens its blanket and removes its hat. Then the priest breathes on the child’s face three times, makes the sign of the Cross on…
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8 Quotes from St. John Chrysostom on How to Raise Children

8 Quotes from St. John Chrysostom on How to Raise Children

Listers, one of the most important basis for children’s spiritual formation is a strong foundation of faith made by their parents. This task is a massive long-term undertaking, which requires the parents to approach their vocation with fear and trembling. St. John Chrysostom was not ignorant of this. In fact mingled in his great orations concerning deep theological matters, he often addressed parents on how to raise their children in holiness. Many people suggest that his ideas on parenting appear to antiquated. Although I believe it would foolish not to at least reflect on his words and find way to…
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In Honour of the Sunday of the Council of Nicaea

To the tune of "Supercalafragalisticexpialadocius" ... Um diddle diddle um diddle ay Um diddle diddle um diddle ay Superchristological and Homoousiosis Even though the sound of them is something quite atrocious You can always count on them to anathemize your Gnosis Superchristological and Homoousiosis Um diddle diddle um diddle ay Um diddle diddle um diddle ay Now Origen and Arius were quite a clever pair. Immutable divinity make Logos out of air. But then one day Saint Nicholas gave Arius a slap-- and told them if they can't recant, they ought to shut their trap! [chorus] Oh, Superchristological and Homoousiosis...…
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Ancient Holy Saturday Homily

Ancient Holy Saturday Homily

Something strange is happening - there is a great silence on earth today, a great silence and stillness. The whole earth keeps silence because the King is asleep. The earth trembled and is still because God has fallen asleep in the flesh and he has raised up all who have slept ever since the world began. God has died in the flesh and hell trembles with fear. He has gone to search for our first parent, as for a lost sheep. Greatly desiring to visit those who live in darkness and in the shadow of death, he has gone to…
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