Blog Post

Holy Mystery of Marriage

Holy Mystery of Marriage

O Lord our God Crown them with Glory and Honour! [alert style="info"]Please Note: As of the day of this post there is no official English translation of this Rite for the Ukrainian Catholic Church. This translation is provided until such time.[/alert] The Betrothal The couple to be crowned in marriage and their attendants assemble in the narthex before the doors of the church. When everything is ready, the clergy go out to meet them. The priest signs with the Cross three times, and then exclaims: Priest: Blessed is our God always, now and ever and for ages of ages. All:…
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When Icons Argue

When Icons Argue

The Fast of the Apostles which follows the feast of Pentecost concludes with two special commemorations: on June 29 we remember the glorious leaders of the apostles, Peter and Paul; on the next day we observe a synaxis (assembly) for all Twelve. The feast of Saints Peter and Paul is particularly observed as the throne-feast of two apostolic patriarchates: Antioch (where both apostles ministered earlier in the lives) and Rome (where both were martyred and buried).   Peter and Paul in Antioch The Acts of the Apostles devotes its first part to the ministry of St Peter in the Holy…
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Righteousness Through Faith in Christ

Righteousness Through Faith in Christ

Los Angeles Dodgers pitcher Sandy Koufax raised many an eyebrow at the 1965 World Series when he refused to pitch at the opening game because it was Yom Kippur. He remains a model for countless observant Jewish athletes, debaters, spellers and other competitors who decline to practice or compete on the Sabbath, even if it means forfeiting a championship. As one Jewish teenager put it, “Shabbat is not at all voluntary and not something you can compromise on.” Observant Jews do not see the Law as arbitrary but as the rational will of God for them. When the Hellenistic king…
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