Blog Post

Children in Church

Children in Church

by Brent Kostyniuk At that time the disciples came to Jesus and asked, “Who, then, is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” He called a little child to him and placed the child among them. And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 18:1-3). How often have we heard these words and tried to apply them to ourselves, to our own lives? We can understand Jesus’ message that we need to have the unconditional trust and faith of children in accepting His teaching.…
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An Extraordinary Life for Extraordinary Times

An Extraordinary Life for Extraordinary Times

by Lidia Wasylyn Who could have guessed that a child born February 17, 1892, into a humble, deeply religious family in Western Ukraine would become a prince of the Ukrainian Catholic Church, leading his flock into the 20th century? Such was God’s plan for this child and from an early age, his faith pulled him into service for his long-suffering Ukrainian Catholic faithful. This child’s fate was predetermined, and God’s will led and empowered him throughout his extraordinary, exemplary yet challenging life. The year 2022 marks the 130th anniversary of the birth of one of the giants of the Ukrainian…
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Concerning the Current Political and Humanitarian Crises in Ukraine

Concerning the Current Political and Humanitarian Crises in Ukraine

Statement of the Ukrainian Catholic Bishops of Canada Dear Brothers and Sisters Christ is Among Us! During these most difficult days when Ukraine endures the threat of Russian invasion, the clergy, religious and faithful of the Ukrainian Catholic Church in Canada reach out to our brothers and sisters in Ukraine. We want to ensure you that we are with you day and night in sincere and earnest prayer and support. For some time now, our faithful have been asked to offer prayers for peace in Ukraine both in their churches and in their homes. Know that we remain united with…
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40 Day Reading Plan of Christ Our Pascha

40 Day Reading Plan of Christ Our Pascha

40 Day Reading Plan of Christ – Our Pascha, the Catechism of the Ukrainian Catholic Church On Knowledge of the Catechism (April 1937) I strongly remind the priest-pastors about this great and holy obligation before God (to teach catechism), and now I come to you, Dear Brothers and Sisters, to you, fathers of Christian families, to you, Christian mothers, to you, Brothers and Sisters, members of various church brotherhoods. Help our priests, help me, your Bishop-Pastor, to spread among the people, but especially among the youth, a knowledge of the holy faith, a knowledge of the catechism. This is the…
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Conception of Saint Anna

Conception of Saint Anna

by Very Rev. Archpriest David Petras The conception of the all-holy virgin Mary in the womb of Anna is celebrated on December 9 in the Byzantine tradition, for a natural reason, that the Eastern ancients thought a girl was in the womb one day less than a boy. However, in the Ruthenian Church in America, the feast is now celebrated together with the Roman Church on December 8, nine months before her birth on September 8, because she is the patron of the United States. [The Ukrainian Catholic Church celebrates this feast on December 9.] It is clear that this…
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Our Holy Father Nicholas

Our Holy Father Nicholas

by Fr. David Petras One can easily say that the greatest saint of the Byzantine Church is Nicholas the Wonderworker, Archbishop of Myra in Lycia. Yet the only thing we know of him for certain is his name, and that a holy man named Nicholas was the bishop in Myra in the fourth century. He has become essentially connected with the feast of Christmas. While the details of his life are certainly legendary, the first appearance is the Vita per Michaelem, in the ninth century, and then by Simeon Metaphrastes in the tenth century, yet we cannot help but suspect…
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Being Ukrainian Catholic

Being Ukrainian Catholic

by Brent Kostyniuk In certain ways, it is easy being Ukrainian Catholic in a city like Edmonton. Ukrainians form fourteen percent of the population and have been there since the first Ukrainian pioneers arrived in the 1890s. The city is the seat of one of Canada’s five Ukrainian Catholic Eparchies and boasts nine Ukrainian Catholic parishes. No matter where you live in the city, there will be a parish within a short drive. Ukrainians are everywhere—you can even go into any grocery store and buy kobassa and frozen pyrohy. Church and heritage go hand in hand. So it is that…
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The Hope to Which the Lord Call Us

The Hope to Which the Lord Call Us

Pastoral Letter of the Synod of Bishops of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic ChurchTo the Clergy, Religious, and all the Faithful of the UGCC I do not cease to give thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers,that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory,may give you a spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of him,having the eyes of your heart enlightened,that you may know what is the hope to which he has called you(Eph 1:16-18). Beloved in Christ! In listening together to the Word of God and discerning the beating of the heart of…
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The Biblical Liturgy

The Biblical Liturgy

by Brent Kostyniuk Some years ago, a new priest in our parish caused a great stir when he delivered his first sermon—he brought a Bible with him to the pulpit. Not only did he bring a Bible, but he also quoted passages from it as he preached. “What’s going on here? Is he trying to turn us into Protestants? We are Catholic, we don’t read the Bible in church.” In fact, just the opposite is true. The Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom draws heavily on Holy Scripture, both directly and indirectly. While this may be surprising to some, it…
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The Bond of Our Peoples

The Bond of Our Peoples

Dear Ukrainian Catholic Faithful, Слава Ісусу Христу! Glory be to Jesus Christ! Many of us were saddened earlier this week when we learned that the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Ukrainian Catholic Parish, Calgary, had been vandalized by individuals acting on their own – not once but twice, alongside many other Roman Catholic parishes throughout Calgary. While the Ukrainian Catholic Church in Canada never ran Residential Schools, we can relate to the pain and suffering that our Indigenous brothers and sisters are enduring in the recent recovery of the graves of hundreds of children found in several cemeteries in…
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