Blog Post

St. Philip’s Fast

St. Philip’s Fast

The American Shopping Season is at hand. Some people will spend it jostling for bargains; others will pass the time lamenting the commercialization of Christmas. The Eastern Churches, on the other hand, encourage their faithful to prepare for this feast by fasting. Each of these Churches has a pre-Nativity Fast, but each Church observes it to a different degree. Like the feast of Christ’s Nativity itself, this fast originated in the West. In ad 380 he Council of Saragossa in Spain mandated daily church attendance beginning on December 17. Pope St Leo the Great (400-461) described four Fasts, one in…
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The Nativity Fast in the Home

The Nativity Fast in the Home

The Shopping Season is at hand. Some people will spend it jostling for bargains; others will pass the time lamenting the commercialization of Christmas. The Eastern Churches, on the other hand, encourage their faithful to prepare for this feast by increasing their involvement with the things of God. Please download this wonderful guide to help you prepare for the glorious coming of our Lord! PDF - Christmas-Fast-in-the-Home Source: Eparchy of Newton      
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Nativity Fast Traditions for Byzantine Catholics

Nativity Fast Traditions for Byzantine Catholics

Source: Holy Protection of Mary Byzantine Catholic Eparchy of Phoenix The Byzantine Catholic Church invites all to participate more fully in the central mysteries of the Gospel of Jesus Christ through her calendar of feasts and fasts. The feast of the Nativity of Our Lord God and Saviour Jesus Christ (Christmas, December 25) is one of the great feasts of the Church year, celebrating the coming or advent of the Messiah (which in Hebrew means “He who is anointed by the Spirit” or in Greek, Christos), Jesus Christ. Christ was born into the world through the Theotokos and ever-virgin Mary to…
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Patriarch Revives Peace Initiative Via WYD

Patriarch Revives Peace Initiative Via WYD

A travelling World Youth Day [WYD] with events in various cities. Not only Cracow, but maybe also nearby Lviv in Ukraine and Belarus. Back in 2011, Sviatoslav Shevchuk, Major-Archbishop of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church, had this idea with some Polish friends. Now that the winds of war in Eastern Europe continue unabated, he raises the proposal again. Because peace can only begin from the bottom (the people). Major-Archbishop Sviatoslav: “The idea of a World Youth Day in Belarus, Poland, and Ukraine was born in Rome, at the John Paul II Institute in Via Cassia. Following the thought of St. John…
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Welcome to the Family

Welcome to the Family

by Brent Kostyniuk An event which was both inspiring and joyous recently took place at St. Basil church in Edmonton. On Sunday September 13, 2015 Brother Agapey Lutsyk, OSBM made his Profession of Vows in the Order of St. Basil the Great of St. Josaphat. Solemn Profession is the rite at which a brother makes a lifelong commitment to the Order. It takes place in the context of a Divine Liturgy and is generally presided over by the Provincial Superior, in this case Father Gabriel Haber, OSBM. Arriving at the altar, Brother Agapey made three great prostrations to the floor,…
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A Summer Surprise

A Summer Surprise

by Brent Kostyniuk I think what I love most about summer vacations is the way they manage to surprise, even when it seems a situation could not possibly hold any surprises. Yet, that is exactly what happened again this summer. Before I tell you about the serendipitous event, let me remind you what Both Lungs is all about. The expression was coined by St. John Paul II who said the Church must breathe through Both Lungs. In fact, he said it numerous times, and in slightly different contexts. One instance where he used the phrase was in the encyclical Ut…
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A Ukrainian on Vulcan

A Ukrainian on Vulcan

by Brent Kostyniuk This past February, Star Trek fans the world over were saddened by the death of Leonard Nimoy, most famously remembered for creating the role of the Vulcan Mr. Spock on the original television series and later playing it in a number of movies. While not a full-fledged trekkie, I admired Nimoy’s acting skills and, in particular, the emotionless, logical perspective of the alien he portrayed. I must confess that at one point in my life, I found that outlook quite attractive. On learning of Mr. Nimoy’s death, it occurred to me that I really didn’t  know a…
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Skete of the Precious and Life-Creating Cross

Skete of the Precious and Life-Creating Cross

“Who shall climb the Mountain of the Lord, who shall stand in His Holy Place…” by Hieromonk Theodosy In 2008, with trust in the Most High God Who calls us all to climb His Holy Mountain, and with the blessing and guidance of His Grace Bishop David, we set out on an adventure to practically discern the building up of a monastic community in the Studite tradition within the Eparchy of Edmonton. By the surprising providence of the Lord, right at the outset, this little monastic endeavor found itself whisked-up to the northern reaches of the eparchy – the Peace…
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I just can’t do it…but He can! Responding to our Lord like Levi.

I just can’t do it…but He can! Responding to our Lord like Levi.

2 Corinthians 1:8-11, Luke 5:27-32 I saw that movie again last night. You know which one I’m talking about. You’ve seen it or its many sequels, or maybe you’ve read the book. I’m not sure how many times I’ve seen it but it’s staggering whatever it is. You know, it’s that story where some initial incident sparks the need for a hero to rise up and save the day. Throughout the course of the story various setbacks spring up which makes the main character doubt him or herself. Although the self-esteem of this character is thrown into question and threatened…
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Resolutions of the Sixth Session of the Patriarchal Sobor (2015)

Resolutions of the Sixth Session of the Patriarchal Sobor (2015)

(DISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial translation: when there is doubt as to the meaning of any resolution posted here, you should refer to the Ukrainian original. See below.) We, the delegates of the VI session of Patriarchal Assembly (Sobor) gathered in the city of Ivano-Frankivsk in the Subcarpathian region of Ukraine on the 25th-27th of August 2015, under the leadership of the Father and Head of the UGCC, His Beatitude Patriarch Sviatoslav, while deliberating on the theme of “The Vibrant Parish – a Place to Encounter the Living Christ,” have developed a number of directives for the renewal of the…
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