Blog Post

We Glory in Your Cross

MANY OF THE FEASTS we celebrate each year have a special rite connected with them. The Great Sanctification of Water on the Theophany, the hajme service on Pascha and the veneration of icons on the Sunday of Orthodoxy are perhaps the best-known examples of these festal observances. There is also a special rite proper to the feast of the Exaltation of the Precious Cross (September 14) called, appropriately, the Exaltation of the Cross. During the Great Doxology at Orthros the cross, adorned with flowers and herbage is brought in procession to the center of the church where it is placed…
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Christ – Our Pascha is now published and available!

Christ – Our Pascha is now published and available!

The English edition of Christ—Our Pascha: Catechism of the Ukrainian Catholic Church was now been published and is available at all eparchial offices in North America (except Toronto where it is available at Holy Eucharist Parish). It has shipped to the eparchial offices of Great Britain and Australia, as well as Ukrainian Catholic University in Lviv, Ukraine. The Catechism was published by the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Synod of Bishops and the Patriarchal Commission for the Catechism of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church. This blog was begun as the English edition of the Catechism is being received by our Church. It is an…
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Children of Mary

Children of Mary

by Brent Kostyniuk In the Ukrainian Catholic Church, the months of May and October are set aside for special devotion to the Mother of God. Commonly, this devotion takes the form of a Moleben, or prayer service, dedicated to her. Patterned after the Divine Liturgy, it includes general petitions, a Gospel reading specifically about Mary, direct petitions to her, and hymns in her honour. Gracious Lady, you pray for all those who with faith take refuge in your powerful protection. We sinners ever in misery and affliction have no other recourse to God than you. We are burdened by many…
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The Son of Man Forgives Sins

The Son of Man Forgives Sins

WE READ IN Matthew 9:1-8 that, when people brought a paralyzed man to the Lord Jesus, He healed the man’s paralysis, but not before telling him, “Your sins are forgiven” (Matthew 9:2). The bystanders’ initial thought that Jesus had blasphemed was replaced by wonder. As Matthew described it, “they marveled and glorified God, who had given such power to men” (Matthew 9:8). The Lord Jesus, of course, was more than just a man. His full humanity was joined without confusion to the divine nature of the Word of God. He forgave sin, then, as the only-begotten Son of the Father.…
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Galilee of the Gentiles

Galilee of the Gentiles

The passage from St Matthew’s Gospel describing the healing of the demoniac begins with the words, “When Jesus had come to the other side…” (Matthew 8:28). “The other side of what?” we may ask, raising questions of where Jesus went and what it meant for His ministry. How does knowing where He lived and where He travelled contribute to our understanding of who He is and to our way of following Him? The Lord Jesus spent most of His earthly life in the province of Galilee, the northernmost district of the Holy Land. Galilee, north of Samaria, was the ancient…
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In Their Debt

In Their Debt

by Brent Kostyniuk Whenever I look at this photograph of my grandparents, I want to ask them what they are thinking. What drove you and your family to leave your home and travel to an unknown country, with a foreign language you had never even heard spoken before? Was it the tyranny? Was it the poverty? Or was it more? What are your dreams? What trials have you overcome to get this far? There are just so many things I would like to know. There is, however, one thing I do know. I owe a great debt to my gido…
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Papal call to action to support Ukraine reaches Canada through CNEWA

Papal call to action to support Ukraine reaches Canada through CNEWA

Ottawa, Ontario – May 3, 2016 – Pope Francis called for a special collection for Ukraine at parishes across Europe on April 24 to help families affected by the ongoing war. That call made its way to Canada through special collections taking place throughout the month of May in the Archeparchy of Winnipeg and the Eparchy of New Westminster in Vancouver with the Catholic Near East Welfare Association as recipient. After two years of war in Ukraine, 10,000 lives have been lost, 1.7 million are internally displaced and one million are seeking refuge in neighbouring countries. Despite a ceasefire agreement…
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Greeting of His Beatitude Sviatoslav To Canadians of Ukrainian Descent Marking the 125th Anniversary of Ukrainian Settlement in Canada 1891–2016

Greeting of His Beatitude Sviatoslav To Canadians of Ukrainian Descent Marking the 125th Anniversary of Ukrainian Settlement in Canada 1891–2016

Prot. N. 16/196 Greeting of His Beatitude Sviatoslav To Canadians of Ukrainian Descent Marking the 125th Anniversary of Ukrainian Settlement in Canada 1891–2016 Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ! On the occasion of the 125th anniversary of Ukrainian settlement in Canada I send prayerful greetings from your ancestral land of Ukraine to the over two million Canadian citizens of Ukrainian descent. This is a time to celebrate God’s many blessings given through the vast territory of Canada to our people who have made this new land their home. And we rejoice with you, recalling at the same time the hardships…
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Lord, Have Mercy

Lord, Have Mercy

by Brent Kostyniuk We give You thanks, O invisible King, for by Your infinite power You created all things and, in Your great mercy, brought all things from nothingness into being. Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom Mercy is central to our Faith. So central, in fact, that Pope Francis made it the theme of an Extraordinary Holy Year which began on Tuesday, December 8, 2015, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception [in the Roman Catholic Church]. This is the first Holy Year to celebrate, not an anniversary of some kind, but the attribute of God the Father which is…
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Perspectives on a Common Date for Easter?

Perspectives on a Common Date for Easter?

Salt and Light TV - In May of 2014, Pope Tawadros II of the Coptic Orthodox Church sent a letter to Pope Francis. In it he expressed his desire to establish a single date for all Christian Churches to celebrate Easter. Since the 16th century the Catholic and Orthodox churches have used different calendars to calculate the date of Easter. But in modern times as Christian persecution has become rampant in many parts of the world, Christians are seeing more of what they have—and should have—in common. Join us for a new episode of Perspectives: The Weekly Edition with guest host…
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