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The Byzantine Experience

The Byzantine Experience

by Brent Kostyniuk “Wow!” That was the reaction of a friend of mine when she first stepped into a Ukrainian Catholic church. Although a life-long Catholic, and, indeed, a religion teacher in our city’s Catholic school system, this was her first encounter with the Byzantine tradition. She had not yet heeded St. John Paul II’s admonition that the Church should breathe through Both Lungs – East and West. Moreover, he proclaimed it was the duty of Catholics of the West, that is Roman Catholics, to learn about their Eastern brethren. “It’s so big inside!” Her eyes were drawn upwards to…
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Regarding the Reception in the UGCC of “Fiducia supplicans”

Regarding the Reception in the UGCC of “Fiducia supplicans”

[OFFICIAL TRANSLATION] KyivProt. BA 23/326 ENGDecember 22, 2023, in the year of God COMMUNIQUEregarding the reception in the UGCC ofthe declaration of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith "FIDUCIA SUPPLICANS"on the pastoral significance of blessings In response to numerous requests from bishops, clergy, monastics, ecclesiastical movements and individual lay people of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church regarding the Declaration of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith Fiducia Supplicans (December 18, 2023) on the pastoral meaning of blessings, after consulting with relevant experts and competent institutions, I wish to inform you of the following: The Declaration aforementioned…
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Domes on the Prairies

Domes on the Prairies

by Brent Kostyniuk If you drive along the Yellowhead Highway between Edmonton and Winnipeg, you will be passing through the Borsch Belt—a vast region of fertile prairie favoured by Ukrainian homesteaders in the last years of the19th century and the early decades of the 20th century—a lasting legacy of those pioneers are the churches they built, with their distinctive domes. I was introduced to domes as a young boy when, once a year, my father would take me to what he called his “home parish,” the church he had attended growing while up on the family farm. At that time,…
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Christmas 2023 Pastoral Letter of the Ukrainian Catholic Bishops of Canada

Christmas 2023 Pastoral Letter of the Ukrainian Catholic Bishops of Canada

To the Very Reverend Clergy, Monastics and Religious Sisters and Brothers, Seminarians and Laity of the Ukrainian Catholic Church in Canada Christ is Born!  Let us Glorify Him! “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earthpeace among those whom he favours!” (Luke 2:14) Dear Sisters and Brothers, As we celebrate the Feast of the Nativity of Our Lord, we do so with a sense of wonder in our hearts. The story of the birth of Jesus serves as a constant reminder of God’s love for us. To express God’s boundless love for us, God appears among us in…
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Nativity Pastoral Letter of His Beatitude Sviatoslav

Nativity Pastoral Letter of His Beatitude Sviatoslav

Вих. ВА 23/304 ENG Most Reverend Archbishops and Metropolitans, God-loving Bishops, Very Reverend Clergy, Venerable Monastics, Dearly Beloved Brothers and Sisters, in Ukraine and throughout the world Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign.Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son,and shall call his name Immanuel. (Is. 7:14) Christ is born! Glorify Him! Beloved in Christ! In this time of war, we, the Ukrainian people need a sign, a sign of hope—that God is with us, that God's life-giving power is stronger than the deadly power of the enemy fighting against us. In the Holy Scriptures, the…
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New Bishop for Saskatoon

New Bishop for Saskatoon

The Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Saskatoon is pleased to announce that following upon the proposal of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Synod of Bishops, Pope Francis has appointed Very Reverend Michael Smolinski, CSsR, until now Provincial Superior of the Redemptorists in Canada, as Bishop of the Eparchy of Saskatoon. This decision was announced from the Vatican on Thursday, November 30, 2023. Bishop-Elect Smolinski becomes the sixth Eparchial Bishop to minister to the Ukrainian Catholic Faithful in the Province of Saskatchewan. Born and raised in Saskatoon, Bishop-Elect Smolinski served in pastoral ministry in Saskatchewan, as well as in Manitoba. For many years…
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Pastoral Letter on St. Philip’s Fast

Pastoral Letter on St. Philip’s Fast

Pastoral Letter of the Ukrainian Catholic Hierarchy of the USA Behold, I am about to do something new!Now it already springs forth; do you not see it?(Is. 43:19) Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, We are commencing the Fast of St. Philip, embarking on a journey that culminates in the contemplation of an indescribable mystery – God’s condescension to humanity. It is at the Nativity of Our Lord that God draws near to us, for “In the union of the divine and human, ‘the incorporeal one takes on flesh, the Word becomes approachable, the invisible one is seen, the impalpable…
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The House of the Lord: A Biblical Catechesis on the Temple

The House of the Lord: A Biblical Catechesis on the Temple

Join a free and exciting God With Us Institute certificate course on the theology of God’s dwelling with us in the temples of the Old and New Testaments! Based on the book, The House of the Lord: A Catholic Biblical Theology of God's Temple Presence in the Old and New Testaments by Steven C. Smith Published by Franciscan University Press Dr. Steven Smith, PhDHe earned his Ph.D. in New Testament and Early Christianity from Loyola University of Chicago (2008). His "Lord" trilogy—The Word of the Lord, The House of the Lord, and The Face of the Lord (2012-20)—is highly regarded…
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“I will never leave you!” Pastoral Letter of UGCC Synod of Bishops 2023

“I will never leave you!” Pastoral Letter of UGCC Synod of Bishops 2023

To the clergy, religious and laity of the UGCC and all people of good will It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you;he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed (Deut. 31:8). Beloved in Christ! This year's synodal sessions were held on September 3 to 13 in the premises of the Pontifical College of St. Josaphat in Rome. We, the bishops of the UGCC, came from all corners of the world against the background of a full-scale war that has been going on for 18 months due to Russia's…
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