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2018 Nativity Greeting from UGCC Bishops of Canada

2018 Nativity Greeting from UGCC Bishops of Canada

Christ is Born! Glorify Him! Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace among those whom he favours! (Luke 2:14) Dear Sisters and Brothers, As we celebrate the Feast of the Nativity of Our Lord, we do so with a sense of wonder in our hearts. The story of the birth of Jesus serves as a constant reminder of God’s love for us. To express God’s boundless love for us, God appears among us in the person of his own son, Jesus Christ. God with us. Emmanuel. And in this were rejoice! This year, we celebrate Christmas…
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Ukrainian Catholic Church in Canada Gathers on Abuse Issue

Ukrainian Catholic Church in Canada Gathers on Abuse Issue

Bishops from across Canada and/or their representatives and others experts gathered at the Chancery of the Archeparchy of Winnipeg to discuss and deal with the tragic issue that has rocked the Catholic world - the abuse of minors by clergy. The Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops has issued a new document on the question, entitled, "Protecting Minors from Sexual Abuse: A Call to the Catholic Faithful in Canada for Healing, Reconciliation and Transformation". All eparchies, dioceses and religious/monastic communities now want to be certain that their policies that regard abuse with the goal of ensuring a safe environment are updated…
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New Religion Resource – Growing in Faith, Growing in Christ

New Religion Resource – Growing in Faith, Growing in Christ

by Brent Kostyniuk Breathing through both lungs is the expression St. John Paul II used on many occasions to express his great desire for the Church—both East and West—to be united in our common faith in the Triune God. In order to be united, however, we must first know and understand each other. Looking at the Catholic Church, the vast majority, some 1.2 billion faithful, are aligned with the West—the Latin Church. A mere 16 million Catholics, or 1.5 %, belong to one of 23 Eastern Catholic Churches. Clearly, the task of learning about the other lung is more difficult…
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Prayer in Our Parishes and in Our Families

Prayer in Our Parishes and in Our Families

To Our Clergy, Hieromonks and Brothers, Religious Sisters, Seminarians and Beloved Faithful In the last few years in our Church we often mention the “Vibrant Parish” strategy. In my opinion, one sign of a vibrant parish lies in its ability to give life and give birth to new, living, vibrant parishioners. A dead or dying parish is unable to give birth to new parishioners, or it will give birth to parishioners who are spiritually dead. In my view, a living parish exists when there are two dimensions present in it - vertical and horizontal. The vertical dimension is reflected in…
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Resolutions of the 2018 Synod of the Ukrainian Catholic Bishops

Resolutions of the 2018 Synod of the Ukrainian Catholic Bishops

For the glory of the Holy, Consubstantial, Life-giving and Indivisible Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and for the good of the People of God entrusted to us. Amen. BY THE GRACE OF GOD AND IN FULL COMMUNION WITH THE APOSTOLIC SEE OF ROME, SVIATOSLAV Major-Archbishop of Kyiv-Halych of the Ukrainian Greco-Catholic Church. To the Most Reverend and Reverend Bishops, the honourable Clergy, the venerable Monks and Nuns, and the Laity of the particular Ukrainian Greco-Catholic Church I PROMULGATE AND PUBLISH The Resolutions of the Synod of Bishops of the Ukrainian Greco-Catholic Church Lviv-Briukhovychi, 2-11 September 2018   4. Accept the 2017-2018 report…
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Minor Orders

Minor Orders

by Brent Kostyniuk Each time we participate in the Divine Liturgy, we pray the Nicene Creed, the profession of our Faith, our faith in the Triune God, our faith in the Church and our faith in the next world. Among the articles we profess are the marks or signs of the Church—one, holy, catholic, and apostolic. By apostolic, we mean there is a direct succession from the Apostles to the clergy who serve. Of those clerics, we are most familiar with the major orders: deacon, priest, and bishop. Along with these, however, are the lesser known minor orders. According to…
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Restoring the Tradition

Restoring the Tradition

THE SECOND COUNCIL OF NICEAEA – the seventh ecumenical council – which we remember every October is chiefly known for formally recognizing the use of icons as a consequence of the Incarnation. If the Word of God could take on human nature He could be depicted in images. In effect, the Council taught, the Incarnation restricted the Old Testament ban on “graven images” (see Exodus 20:4). The council, held in ad 787, decreed that, “As the sacred and life-giving cross is everywhere set up as a symbol, so also should the images of Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary, the holy…
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Beneath Your Protection

Beneath Your Protection

IN 1917 THE JOHN RYLANDS UNIVERSITY LIBRARY in Manchester, England acquired a third-century papyrus fragment of great historic interest. It contained the earliest known copy of a hymn to the Theotokos. The verse, still used in the liturgies of all the historic Churches, reads as follows: “Beneath your protection, we take refuge, O Theotokos. Do not despise our petitions in time of trouble, but rescue us from dangers, only pure, only blessed one.” This hymn shows that, from as early as the 200s, Christians have looked on the Holy Virgin as their protectress. Our liturgical year includes feasts celebrating the…
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Giving Back to the Giver

Giving Back to the Giver

FROM TIME TO TIME, Christians in a number of communities, including the ancient historic Churches, are encouraged to tithe to their congregation. Tithing – the giving of 10% of one’s income – is mandatory in some groups. Mormons, for example are required to tithe and only tithe-paying members are allowed to enter Mormon temples and to receive its “ordinances” (sacraments). Many Pentecostal groups teach that, if you are not tithing, you are robbing God.   Tithing in the Old Testament The practice of tithing arose at the start of the Israelite nation. When the Israelites occupied the promised land, eleven…
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