Mark 10:11-16- Bring the Children to Him

Christ is Born!

Richard Dawkins, one the the world’s most famous “New Atheists” has stated that Christian parents baptizing their children and raising them in the faith is child abuse. He believes that this ultimately removes their choice to choose later on in life what their true beliefs might be. Interestingly, I doubt he includes the indoctrination of children (young and old) into his chosen religion- that of Materialism- in his sweeping judgments.

It has been the practice of Christians from the beginnings of the Church to bring children for baptism and to instruct them in the faith. Just as a young child does not understand food and cannot feed himself, so the parents provide the necessities of life- food, clothing, shelter etc. Of all these needs, the ultimate need of love, and true love, comes from and flows to the true source of life and love- A relationship with our Lord.

Our faith, although including using our minds, is not restricted to academic or cerebral thinking. Christianity is more than an acceptance of lists of beliefs or presuppositions. Our faith is an invitation to come to know the Lord. Once we know and love Him, denying Him to our children seems to be a much more abusive choice. Let us remain His children and bring our children to Him!

Christ is Born!


By Fr. Michael Bombak

Fr. Mike Bombak is the pastor of Descent of the Holy Spirit (Lloydminster, AB) and St. Olga, Equal to the Apostles (Vermilion, AB). He is also a school teacher and currently working on his Master’s thesis regarding contraception and the teachings of St. John Paul II. He lives in Lloydminster with Dob. Kim and their five children. Father Mike tries to live a physically active lifestyle and enjoys playing the double bass. His YouTube channel can be found at Musings with Fr. Mike.

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