Christ is Born!
“What’s my motivation?” I remember this becoming a half joke among my drama friends back in High School. As an actor struggles to play a character, and to really understand that character from “the inside out,” they would continually ask themselves why that character would be doing what they were doing in the scene. What emotion was driving that line? What intention was behind them doing a certain action.
In our reading today, Our Lord outlines what His motivation is. He is the Good Shepherd, the one who is motivated through love of the sheep. He is not a mercenary, a hired hand who is concerned with money. He has a “vested interest” in fact, and interest so profound that He will lay down His life for His sheep. He is not a professional, He is a lover.
“What’s my motivation?” This is a great question to ask ourselves throughout the day brothers and sisters. What’s my motivation in parenting? Teaching? Washing the dishes? Is my concern the people God has put into my life or looking out for “number one?” Let us come to know the voice of the Shepherd leading us to recognize truly meaningful motivations in our lives.
Christ is Born!