
Edging the Christian Garden

Quality edging is one of the tell-tale signs between a well tended  garden and one that has been neglected. A well edged garden not only looks neater in that it has defined borders, but also has fewer weeds and grass that can creep in. The beauty on the inside of the garden is protected from whatever surrounds it. Edging a vegetable or flower garden is very similar to managing the garden of one's soul. Proper boundaries in our lives between maintaining the good and keeping out evil is essential to growth in the Christian life. Edging requires hard work. Anyone who has…
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The Order of Repentance – A Communal Penance Service According to the Byzantine Rite

Priest: Blessed be our God at all times, now and for ever and ever. All: Amen. Glory be to You, our God, glory be to You! Heavenly King, Advocate, Spirit of Truth, Who are everywhere present and fill all things, Treasury of Blessings, Bestower of Life, come, and dwell with us; cleanse us of all that defiles us, and O Good One, save our souls. Holy God, Holy and Mighty, Holy and Immortal, have mercy on us. (3) Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and for ever and ever. Amen. Trinity…
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The Family Altar: Establishing a Place of Prayer

The Family Altar: Establishing a Place of Prayer

by Deacon Michael Hyatt As a young junior high school student, I wasn't fast enough to run most track and field events. But one event I could participate in was the relay race. A large part of our training was concerned with handing off the baton. The idea was to sprint as fast as you could to the next runner on your team. His job was to meet you about fifteen yards before the hand-off and run with you, being careful to match your pace exactly. In this way, you didn't have to stop to hand him the baton; you…
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Why Go To Church When I Can Pray At Home?

Why Go To Church When I Can Pray At Home?

St. John Chrysostom answers this question briefly when he writes: They say: 'We can pray at home.' You are deceiving yourself, O man! Of course, one can pray at home. But it is impossible to pray there as in church, where such a multitude of hearts are uplifted to God, merging into one unanimous cry. You will not be so quickly heard while praying to the Master by yourself, as when praying together with your brethren, for here in church there is something greater than in your room: Agreement, unanimity, the bond of love, and finally here are the prayers…
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