
In Thanksgiving for Years of Service

In Thanksgiving for Years of Service

by Alex Pankiw On Saturday, December 30, 2017, Ukrainian Catholic Youth and Young Adults of the Archeparchy of Winnipeg came together to extend a bittersweet farewell to Tamara Lisowski, the Youth Director for the Archeparchy of Winnipeg. Tamara served the Archeparchy of Winnipeg’s Youth and Young Adults for 17 years, touching many lives throughout the tenure of her ministry. With a résumé of accomplishments too vast to acknowledge within the scope of this article, Tamara’s dedication to her ministry bore numerous retreats, annual Christmas carolling excursions, and service initiatives for the less fortunate in Winnipeg to name just a few.…
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2017 Nativity Greeting from Patriarch Sviatoslav

2017 Nativity Greeting from Patriarch Sviatoslav

CHRISTMAS PASTORAL LETTER OF HIS BEATITUDE SVIATOSLAV Most Reverend Archbishops and Metropolitans, God-loving Bishops, Very Reverend Clergy, Venerable Monastics, Dearly Beloved Brothers and Sisters, in Ukraine and throughout the world For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you by his poverty might become rich. 2 Cor. 8:9 Christ is born! Glorify Him! Beloved in Christ! Today once again we share the unspeakable joy of the Holy Nativity, which fills the heart of each believer. The Son of God became one of us, having…
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by Brent Kostyniuk During 1932 and 1933, an estimated seven to ten million people starved to death in Soviet controlled Ukraine because of a man-made famine, the Holodomor—death by starvation—even though the country was producing bumper crops of grain. Recently, 340 elementary children at St. Theresa of Calcutta Catholic School in Edmonton gathered for a Memorial Divine Liturgy to honour victims of the Holodomor. The Liturgy was celebrated by Edmonton Eparchial Bishop David Motiuk along with Edmonton Catholic Schools Chaplain, Fr. Julian Bilyj. Bishop David's Words In speaking to the children, Bishop David explained this little known atrocity. “Imagine living…
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Catholic Climate Movements in Ukraine and the World

Catholic Climate Movements in Ukraine and the World There is a global effort by Catholics inspired by “Laudato Si” - Pope Francis’ encyclical on safeguarding the environment - to become personally active in doing something about climate change and renewing the environment. Some have hailed the 2015 encyclical as unique and even bold as far as Papal documents go. Others observe that the Holy Father simply states what the Catholic attitude toward God’s gift of nature and the earth’s resources has always been (should have been) since creation. If you haven’t given the encyclical a good reading over, you can find it on many sites of the…
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June 23, 2017 – Matthew 10:32-36; 11:1

Matthew 10:32-36; 11:1 Glory be to Jesus Christ! Last summer, while on vacation I met a seminarian at a local parish where I concelebrated Sunday Eucharist. This young man was a couple years into his philosophy studies and was spending the summer at this parish, getting some hands on experience before heading back to seminary in the late fall. This young man did not grow up going to Church or even in a family that valued faith, but by the grace of God, he found the faith, deepened it, and began exploring this call to the priesthood. Unfortunately, his family…
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June 22 – Matthew 10:23–31

Matthew 10:23–31 Glory be to Jesus Christ! Have you ever expressed to another—whether it be spouse, child, parent, friend, or stranger—that you love the Lord, and that you are coming to know deeper, day by day, how much the Lord loves you? That there is only one true God and no other? That salvation is through Jesus Christ and no other? Perhaps we have expressed this to someone who is very close to us. But to others, we probably have been shy, perhaps even concerned what others may think of us, what others may say about us. Here are (and…
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June 21, 2017 – Matthew 10:16-22

Matthew 10:16-22 Glory be to Jesus Christ! Imagine being called to jury duty and sitting in the courtroom to hear the proceedings of an important trial. The two sides proceed with their opening introductions and the first witness is called forth. The witness takes the stand and immediately begins telling a story, but not one they have been asked to give an account of by the court, but rather their own story- where they grew up the food that they enjoy, the hobbies that they have etc.! Witnesses are just that, those who have witnessed something outside of themselves and…
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June 20, 2017 – Matthew 10:9-15

Matthew 10:9-15 Glory be to Jesus Christ! I remember my first backpacking trip very distinctly. A group of friends of mine from work had decided to go on a backpacking adventure in Jasper for a weekend. We didn’t really have any previous experience and so were confused as to what exactly to pack and how heavy our packs should be. I found out later from a book that there is no real need to pack more than a 30 lbs pack. I found that out much earlier when I was trudging around on our hike with a pack that weighed…
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June 19, 2017 – Matthew 9:36-10:8

Matthew 9:36-10:8 Glory be to Jesus Christ! Today’s gospel is about evangelization, about mission, about spreading the good news of Jesus Christ. This is something that many Christians today take as seriously as the apostles who Jesus appointed, and rightly so: Jesus commands us in the last verses of Matthew’s Gospel to preach the good news to all nations. What is perhaps more difficult for us to accept is that preaching the good news – even if it’s as simple as trying to convince those we know and meet that our religion is a worthwhile part of our lives –…
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June 18, 2017 – Matthew 4:18-23

Matthew 4:18-23 Glory be to Jesus Christ! In today's Gospel we read about the vocation of four fishermen who by answering Jesus' invitation to follow Him changed the world. It is with these four simple, hardworking men Jesus, the Incarnate Word of God, begins his earthly ministry which will crown with redemption of the whole world. These four apostles without any hesitation, questioning or doubting said 'YES' to Jesus. We read that they immediately left everything and everyone to follow Him. The important word here is "immediately." For it shows us how to properly react to God when he speaks…
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