
MASI Study Days 2025: Scripture in the Eastern Christian Traditions

MASI Study Days 2025: Scripture in the Eastern Christian Traditions

This year, the Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky Institute has planned for a Study Days weekend focused on a closer encounter and engagement with our Scriptures from the perspective of the Christian East. We will be joined by renowned scholars Dr. Lewis Ayres, Dr. Hugo Mendez, Rev. Dr. Jack Custer, and Dr. Nathan Eubank. These engaging talks and conversations will be paired with ample prayer, food, and fellowship. We hope to see you there! Accommodations are available on-site: single room $100.05 plus HST per night, and for a double room $134.82 plus HST per night. The room rate includes breakfast. Please register…
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Release of Ukrainian War Requiem

Release of Ukrainian War Requiem

Axios Men's Ensemble held a CD release of Benedict Sheehan's Ukrainian War Requiem as part of the Commemoration of the Third Anniversary of the War in Ukraine. It was held on February 24, 2025 at St. Basil Ukrainian Catholic Church in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. It is available to stream on Apple Music and Spotify. Listen to a selection from YouTube below.
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Appeal of the Permanent Synod of Bishops of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church on the Third Anniversary of the Full-Scale Russian Invasion of Ukraine

Appeal of the Permanent Synod of Bishops of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church on the Third Anniversary of the Full-Scale Russian Invasion of Ukraine

Source: UGCC. The Permanent Synod of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, which is currently taking place in Canada, has issued its Appeal on the third anniversary of the beginning of the full-scale Russian aggression against Ukraine. We publish the text of the document below. Three years ago, Ukrainians awoke to the sound of explosions and anxious phone calls bearing the dreadful words: “The war has begun.” At dawn on February 24, 2022, the first air raid siren echoed across our land, and for 1,097 days and nights, it has not fallen silent. Over these years, Ukrainians have learned to navigate the harsh realities of full-scale war. The wail…
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Pastoral Letter on the Jubilee Year 2025 – Pilgrims of Hope

Pastoral Letter on the Jubilee Year 2025 – Pilgrims of Hope

To the Very Reverend Clergy,Monastics and Religious Sisters and Brothers,Seminarians and Laity of the Ukrainian Catholic Church in Canada Glory to Jesus Christ! Hope does not disappoint us,because God’s love is been poured into our heartsthrough the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.(Romans 5:5) Dearly Beloved in Christ! Pope Francis has declared 2025 to be a Jubilee Year with the uplifting theme of “Pilgrims of Hope.” This is surely a providential declaration as we see that the whole world certainly needs and hungers for a reason for hope and a new beginning which is at the very heart…
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2024 Christmas Pastoral Letter of the UGCC Bishops of Canada

2024 Christmas Pastoral Letter of the UGCC Bishops of Canada

To the Very Reverend Clergy,Monastics and Religious Sisters and Brothers,Seminarians and Laity of the Ukrainian Catholic Church in Canada Christ is Born! Let us Glorify Him! “The whole universe is today filled with joy, for Christ is born of a Virgin.”(Matins of Christmas) Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Our celebration of the birth of Christ proclaims joy especially amid difficult times in our world at this present moment: The Christmas carols we sing in Ukrainian and English speak of joy that results from the birth of our Saviour, Jesus Christ, - “Nova Radist’ Stala” and “Joy to the World.”…
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2024 Christmas Pastoral Letter of His Beatitude Sviatoslav

2024 Christmas Pastoral Letter of His Beatitude Sviatoslav

Вих. ВА 24/345 ENG Most Reverend Archbishops and Metropolitans,God-loving Bishops, Very Reverend Clergy, Venerable Monastics,Dearly Beloved Brothers and Sisters,in Ukraine and throughout the world …And she gave birth to her firstborn sonand wrapped him in swaddling cloths and laid him in a manger,because there was no place for them in the inn (Lk 2:7). Christ is born! Glorify Him! Beloved in Christ! The Nativity of Christ envelops us with the invincible power of light and the warmth of God's love! Today, the Son of God is born in a human body, taking on all the experiences of human life: facing…
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The Resolutions of the Synod of Bishops of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church

The Resolutions of the Synod of Bishops of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church

DECREE Вих. ВА 24/202 ENG To the glory of the Holy, Consubstantial, Life-creating and Undivided Trinity,of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit,and for the good of the People of God entrusted to us. Amen BY DIVINE GRACEAND IN FULL COMMUNIONWITH THE ROMAN APOSTOLIC SEE SVIATOSLAV,Major Archbishop of Kyiv-Halychof the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church To the Most Reverend and God-loving Bishops,the reverend clergy, venerable monks and nunsand lay faithful of the particular Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church I DECLARE AND PROMULGATE The Resolutions of the Synod of Bishopsof the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church Zarvanytsia, July 2–12, 2024 A. D. 1. To acknowledge the state of implementation of the decisions of the Synod of Bishops of the UGCC in 2023. 2. To bless the continuation of the work of the Patriarchal Liturgical…
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The Gospel is the Power of God to Salvation for Everyone Who Believes (Rm 1:16)

The Gospel is the Power of God to Salvation for Everyone Who Believes (Rm 1:16)

Вих. ВА 24/207 ENG Pastoral Letter of the Synod of Bishopsof the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church 2024 To the Clergy, Religious and Lay Faithful of the UGCC While they were talking and discussing together,Jesus himself drew near and went with them (Lk 24:15). Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ! We, the bishops of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church from Ukraine and various parts of the world, have gathered at the feet of the miraculous icon of the Mother of God in Zarvanytsya from July 2 to 12 for the annual Synod. For the first time since the beginning of the full-scale invasion,…
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New Particular Law for the UGCC

New Particular Law for the UGCC

This article was updated on June 25, 2024. In 2018 the UGCC promulgated the newest version of the Particular Law. You can find the official Ukrainian alongside an unofficial translation of the document here:UGCC Particular Law 2021 (PDF) (Word) ( The newest version of ecclesial laws for Ukrainian Catholic faithful was officially promulgated on 4 April 2018 and will take effect on 7 April 2018. This was accomplished by the publishing of both the Decree of Promulgation and the text of the updated version of Particular Law on the Church's official website for this purpose. The full text is presently…
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Why Byzantine Catholics Fast in June

Why Byzantine Catholics Fast in June

By observing the Apostles’ Fast, we can share in the Apostles’ struggle and consider how we are supposed to spread the gospel. by Dominic Cassella | National Catholic Register This year, on May 19, we celebrated Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit descended upon the Apostles and the holy Theotokos. Traditionally, this is marked as the beginning of the Church. It is fitting that, in the Byzantine tradition, this feast is followed by the Sunday of All Saints. The trajectory of the Byzantine liturgical year is obvious. From the darkness of Lent to the deep sadness of the Crucifixion, the celebration…
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