
Order of Holy Baptism and Chrismation

Order of Holy Baptism and Chrismation

All you who have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. Alleluia!   [alert style="info"]Please Note: As of the day of this post there is no official English translation of this Rite for the Ukrainian Catholic Church. This translation is provided until such time.[/alert] The priest, vested in an epitrakhil (and phelon, if it is the custom) goes with the deacon into the narthex of the church. The deacon faces the child to the East, opens its blanket and removes its hat. Then the priest breathes on the child’s face three times, makes the sign of the Cross on…
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In Honour of the Sunday of the Council of Nicaea

To the tune of "Supercalafragalisticexpialadocius" ... Um diddle diddle um diddle ay Um diddle diddle um diddle ay Superchristological and Homoousiosis Even though the sound of them is something quite atrocious You can always count on them to anathemize your Gnosis Superchristological and Homoousiosis Um diddle diddle um diddle ay Um diddle diddle um diddle ay Now Origen and Arius were quite a clever pair. Immutable divinity make Logos out of air. But then one day Saint Nicholas gave Arius a slap-- and told them if they can't recant, they ought to shut their trap! [chorus] Oh, Superchristological and Homoousiosis...…
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Discover the Beauty of the Liturgical Year!

Discover the Beauty of the Liturgical Year!

We're used to marking our lives by the events during the year that give shape to our existence and of those around us. A birthday. An anniversary. A graduation. A death. Each of these celebrations helps us mark significant moments in time. We record many of these meaningful moments in pictures, videos, greeting cards, letters and the such. And from time to time, we reminisce about the people and happenings recorded for posterity, bringing a smile to our faces when our memories fill our hearts with gladness, or bringing a tear to the eye when we recall the loss of…
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