Fr. Michael Bombak

Fr. Mike Bombak is the pastor of Descent of the Holy Spirit (Lloydminster, AB) and St. Olga, Equal to the Apostles (Vermilion, AB). He is also a school teacher and currently working on his Master’s thesis regarding contraception and the teachings of St. John Paul II. He lives in Lloydminster with Dob. Kim and their five children. Father Mike tries to live a physically active lifestyle and enjoys playing the double bass. His YouTube channel can be found at Musings with Fr. Mike.
89 Posts

Mark 10:46-52- You Gotta Want It

Christ is Born! It's always very disheartening to see a person who has been incredibly gifted with natural ability- whether in music, sports, intelligence etc.- but lacking the drive to do anything with it. This is often noticed especially with teachers who recognize wonderful gifts among their students but are at a loss as to motivate them to develop them. Bartimaeus on the other hand is a different kind of guy. He's living in Jericho, the capital of godlessness, and he's blind. He hears our Lord coming through and shouts out to Him. When he is silenced he shouts all…
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Mark 10:23-32- Who Can be Saved?

Mark 10:23-32- Who Can be Saved?

Christ is Born! Often times, depending on the Christian you are talking to, a lot of fuss and worry is made about "if you are being saved or not." In fact, with door to door evangelists "are you saved?" is often the first question which they will ask. The short answer for an orthodox Christian is "I am saved, I am being saved and I will be saved." Salvation is an on-going process. Some of it depends on us and some of it does not. Our Lord makes it very clear that salvation is impossible for human beings on their…
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Mark 10:17-21- Ask the Photographer

Christ is Born! What is the one thing you will never find in the photo? The photographer of course. In our reading today from the Gospel of Mark we encounter the Rich Young Man, a would-be disciple of the Lord who asked what he must do to inherit eternal life. His question is an important one for us today because in it we can find the seeds of what has really matured in our own culture- materialism, capitalism and utilitarianism: "What is heaven worth? How can I earn my way in?" etc. Our Lord's advice cuts straight to the heart…
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Mark 10:11-16- Bring the Children to Him

Mark 10:11-16- Bring the Children to Him

Christ is Born! Richard Dawkins, one the the world's most famous "New Atheists" has stated that Christian parents baptizing their children and raising them in the faith is child abuse. He believes that this ultimately removes their choice to choose later on in life what their true beliefs might be. Interestingly, I doubt he includes the indoctrination of children (young and old) into his chosen religion- that of Materialism- in his sweeping judgments. It has been the practice of Christians from the beginnings of the Church to bring children for baptism and to instruct them in the faith. Just as…
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Luke 16:17-23- Blessed are the Needy

Christ is Born! Are you one of those "needy people?" I sure hope so. If we had to describe the people who come to the Lord in today's reading with one word it would certainly have to be "needy." They had diseases. They were troubled by evil spirits. They needed healing. They needed Christ- and they knew it. And what is our Lord's response to them? To affirm them in their independence of course! - NOT! He affirms their need. Contrary to all the world teaches us the Lord tells them that they are blessed in their need because this need…
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Mark 9:42-10:1- Yes, Hell Exists…

Christ is Born! "There is nothing to fear but fear itself." These words uttered by Roosevelt in the 1932 Presidential election have taken on a life of their own, essentially saying that fear is unnecessary, crippling, and for those who haven't matured enough to realize that everything is possible.  Christians however know that fear has a purpose. In our reading today our Lord outlines what awaits for those who turn their backs on Him through persisting in sin. He is not using scare tactics, but, as a loving Brother, trying to get us safely home to His Fathers house. Yes,…
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Mark 9:33-41- Chicken or egg? Faith or Works?

Christ is Born! During our largest season of communal repentance- Great and Holy Lent- one of the ascetical practices we practice are prostrations. Over and over and over again we bow completely to the floor touching our heads on the ground. After the canon of St. Andrew, and over 300 prostrations later, it is fairly common to wake up sore the next morning. We bow down to the ground to show God reverence, but also to communicate with our own souls- to help us to repent! Many times we feel as though our actions are a one-way street which originate…
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Mark 9:10-16- A Little Foolishness [Spoilers: Rogue One]

Christ is Born! From the outside looking in there are many situations which appear as though the good guys have lost because they are silenced. The latest Star Wars Movie "Rogue One" is a great story of standing up to evil and inspiring hope- a story filled with sacrifice for the greater good. I discussed the movie afterwards with my seven year old son who was disheartened that "all the good guys died" in the movie. Sure enough they did all die, but there was something worth dying for, and because of that in the end, the good guys did…
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Mark 8:30-34- Go for the Gold!

Christ is Born! Do you have dreams of being an Olympic athlete? When I was in grade school I had a number of friends who wanted to play in the NHL. By High School some of these friends were training very hard to make the cut- they only attended school for certain classes, took special training programs during the day and worked very hard to catch up on the studies they had missed in the evening after their training. The cost of professional athletics is incredible! Striving for athletic excellence changes what you eat, what you do in your spare…
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