Brent Kostyniuk

Brent Kostyniuk lives in Edmonton, Alberta. He is a freelance writer. He is the author of the Both Lungs series. He has a Bachelor of Theology degree from Newman Theological College in Edmonton. He is married to Bev for 45 years and they have eight grandchildren.
66 Posts
An Encounter with the Shroud

An Encounter with the Shroud

by Brent Kostyniuk Both Lungs is about East and West, the belief and spiritual heritage we share as Catholics, and the elements of our respective traditions which are different. It is about unity in diversity. Now during Lent, or the Great Fast as it known in the East, an opportunity has come to encounter a part of our mutual heritage which is held in deep regard throughout the Christian world - the Shroud of Turin. On Monday March 3 (the beginning of the Great Fast for Eastern Catholics) the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Edmonton celebrated with the solemn exposition of…
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You Say Potato

by Brent Kostyniuk One of my son-in-laws is fond of saying, “You say pot-ay-to and I say pot-ah-to.”  He usually makes the comment towards the end of a long conversation when we have been discussing cars or modern technology.  We never really argue and our discussions never become heated.  However, we come from different generations and tend to look at many things in different ways.  Still, we understand each other and respect each other’s viewpoint.  Essentially, his remark means we have agreed to disagree. Mutual understanding is the key.  I understand why he has the viewpoint he does, and I’m…
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Light from the East

by Brent Kostyniuk If at times Both Lungs seems to take on a bit of a defensive tone, it is, perhaps, justified. It is, after all, nearly 120 years since Pope Leo XIII issued the apostolic constitution Orientalium Dignitas. In it, the Pope praised the Eastern Churches and extolled their place in the Catholic Church. “The Churches of the East are worthy of the glory and reverence that they hold throughout the whole of Christendom in virtue of those extremely ancient, singular memorials that they have bequeathed to us. For it was in that part of the world that the…
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The Nativity Icon

The Nativity Icon

by Brent Kostyniuk It is often said that icons are windows onto heaven. Indeed, that is exactly what they are meant to be. In their beauty, in their unique artistic style, and in the theology they convey, icons do lead us away from this world and into the next. Unlike other forms of religious art, icons are not meant to be realistic. As the noted Canadian iconographer Myroslaw Tataryn explains, “...they are symbols that reveal, in an artistic manner, a profound spiritual truth - the mysterious reality of God’s presence in human life.” The question of whether or not it…
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Bodily Worship

Bodily Worship

by Brent Kostyniuk Both Lungs is about East and West. It is about diversity and unity in the universal Catholic Church. However, it is also about the diversity which exists in the East. That diversity leads to richness. Such diversity exists in one of the most basic aspects of Christian life - prayer. This time, Both Lungs looks at the varying gestures Eastern Christians use when praying - bodily worship. Eastern worship is a very sensual thing. Incense is burned and with it our sense of smell reminds us our prayers are meant to rise to heaven. Icons cover the…
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The Jesus Prayer

by Brent Kostyniuk When Peter Pan wants to teach Wendy and the other children how to fly, one of the prerequisites is the need to think a happy thought. A happy thought, it is said, will give you wings. For me, there is a happy thought which gives wings to my spirit - it is the Jesus Prayer. One of the hallmarks of Eastern spirituality is meditation, a discipline brought to near-perfection by the Desert Fathers and Mothers. The Jesus Prayer is a short repetitive prayer, which is profound and deeply mystical. Indeed, in a few short words, it expresses…
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