Fr. Michael Winn

Fr. Michael is the pastor of Holy Eucharist Parish in Winnipeg within the Archeparchy of Winnipeg. He served twelve years as Rector of Holy Spirit Seminary in Ottawa and Edmonton.
115 Posts
Prayer for our Patriarch

Prayer for our Patriarch

O Lord, we pray You: defend and save His Beatitude, Patriarch Sviatoslav. He is the Primate and Father of the great fellowship of our Church, and wherever he may be in fulfilment of his duties, he is praying for us, and is offering to You with holy fervour his prayers at the Altar. Wherefore, O Lord, turn Yourself toward us, unite our prayers with his and receive them into the bosom of Your infinite mercy. Whether he weeps or rejoices, at home or abroad, we desire to united with him. Hear his holy prayers on behalf of our long-suffering land…
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UGCC bishops urge the faithful to continue fasting and to continually pray for peace in Ukraine

UGCC bishops urge the faithful to continue fasting and to continually pray for peace in Ukraine

“Our Christian conscience tells us … that we do not have the right to let our hands down. We should continue in praying and fasting. In this complicated time for our country, we beseech the Almighty for victory over the machinations of an outside aggressor and for peace on our land,” write the members of the Synod of Bishops of the UGCC Kyiv-Halych Major Archbishopric in their “Appeal to the faithful and all people of goodwill” to continue on-going praying and fasting for peace in Ukraine. The Greek-Catholic bishops are appealing to UGCC faithful and generally to all Christians and…
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The Feast of Pentecost

The Feast of Pentecost

by Fr. Julian Katrij, OSBM Exceprt from A Byzantine Rite Liturgical Year We have seen the true light, we have received the Heavenly Spirit, we have found the true faith, we worship the undivided Trinity, for It has saved us. (Stichera of Solemn Vespers of the Feast of the Pentecost) The glorious feast of the Resurrection concludes with a feast also most glorious and great – and that is, the feast of the Pentecost. After the Nativity and Resurrection of our Lord this feast belongs to the greatest feasts in the Ecclesiastical Year. The Descent of the Holy Spirit is, as…
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Edmonton Eparchial Sobor

Edmonton Eparchial Sobor

Edmonton Eparchial Sobor May 23-24, 2014 Vision 2020 “The Vibrant Parish: The Place to Encounter the Living Christ” From time to time, the Church gathers together the clergy, religious, monastics and laity to study and reflect upon pastoral concerns which affect the life and well-being of the Church. In the context of an eparchy, such gatherings are called an Eparchial Sobor or Assembly. Since the Jubilee Year 2000, the Eparchy of Edmonton has now convoked 5 such Sobors: 2001 – “Jesus Christ: Fountain of Rebirth” 2003 – “The Ukrainian Catholic Church in Alberta: 100 Years Later” 2008 – “Evangelization and…
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Mission Days 2014

Mission Days 2014

Appeal of His Beatitude Sviatoslav to the Faithful of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church on the Occasion of the Missionary Days Dearly Beloved in Christ ! Today I address all of you faithful of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, led by your priests and bishops, and invite each one of you to embark together with me on an extraordinary pilgrimage that will last for ten days—from the Ascension to the Descent of the Holy Spirit, Pentecost. We are calling this pilgrimage the Missionary Days in which we turn the attention of our entire Church towards our common vocation as "missionaries,"…
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Easter Message of His Beatitude Sviatoslav

Easter Message of His Beatitude Sviatoslav

Most Reverend Archbishops and Bishops, Very Reverend and Reverend Fathers, Venerable Brothers and Sisters, Dearly Beloved in Christ of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church Christ is Risen! Yesterday I was buried with You O Christ, Today I rise with You as you arise. Yesterday I was crucified with You; Glorify me, O Saviour, in Your Kingdom. (Paschal Matins, Resurrection Canon, Ode 3) Beloved in Christ, In the midst of this year’s challenges and uncertainty, Pascha, “the day which the Lord has made” (Ps 117:24),is for us a day of inexpressible joy and hope.On the brightest feast of Christ’s Resurrection, our Holy Church…
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Paschal Pastoral Letter from Ukrainian Catholic Bishops of Canada

Paschal Pastoral Letter from Ukrainian Catholic Bishops of Canada

Pastoral Letter of the Ukrainian Catholic Bishops of Canada On the Occasion of the Resurrection of our Lord 2014 To the Very Reverend Clergy, Monastics and Religious Sisters, Seminarians and Lay Faithful of the Ukrainian Catholic Church in Canada: Christ is Risen! Indeed He is Risen! “But we were hoping that he would be the one to redeem Israel…” [Lk. 24:21] Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ! The words quoted at the beginning of this letter were spoken by two of Christ’s disciples as they fled Jerusalem. Dismayed upon witnessing the crucifixion, death and burial of Jesus, they did not recognize…
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